Get Your Garden Gloves On! It’s Time To Grow Your Team With These 5 Tips!
Spring is one of my favorite seasons. And in spring, one of my favorite trees is the Eastern Red Bud, sometimes known as the Judas tree. I like this tree because it is one of the first ones to bloom in the beginning of the spring season. It literally screams, “Spring is here!”
I wonder if spring is here for your team? Are they in a season where they are ready to grow? Are you as a leader ready to grow them? If so, here are five suggestions I have for you to help your team best grow in a season of spring.
Inspect Your Space: Just as a gardener would go out and look over the garden to see what’s happened since the last growing season, have you stopped to do that? Have you reflected on the wins and the losses that your team has experienced and what may have caused that? Are you thinking about the strengths and the opportunities for improvement for your team and how that might determine what you want to grow and how you want to grow in this season?
Clean Up Last Year’s Growth: There’s always some tasks or small projects that probably need to be handled because everybody’s thinking about them but no one is working on them. It’s easy to forget about those pesky tasks that require attention. They may not be big projects or initiatives but what do you need to finish them so that you can give yourself and your team the mental head space to be able to really focus on what you want to do next.
Sharpen Your Tools: Just as a gardener would sharpen their pruning shears or get their other equipment ready, what are the tools you need to improve on to be more effective as a leader of their team? Is your communication top-notch or could there be room for improvement? Do you have good prioritization skills that will help keep things running smoothly within the group setting? What is it you want to improve on so that you can be a better master gardener to your team members?
Use The Right Supports: In the spring there are certain plants that come up that need to have some support so they don’t fall over. What does that look like for your team? Naturally your team members aren’t going to fall over (or at least I hope not) but what kind of support do your team members need right now? And how does that look different than it did a month ago or three months ago or even a year ago? Put out those supports to help them grow at their most optimum rater and in the best way possible.
Plant Something New: As spring brings forth blooming plants, similarly your team members are emerging with new goals and aspirations. If your team is hungry for a new challenge or a new opportunity, work with them to figure out what it is so everybody can use their talents and abilities to grow something incredible for the success of your team and ultimately the success of your organization.
As a leader of your team, you have the opportunity to use the energy of spring to grow your team and its success. Take this season as an opportunity to develop yourself and your team into something greater than before. Creating an environment where growth is nurtured rather than stifled will ultimately benefit everyone.