6 Benefits Of Making The Incorrect Choice As A Leader
While we marvel at the success of individuals and organizations, there’s an uncomfortable truth most of them share that we would like to avoid. That truth? We must make a significant number of mistakes if we want to be successful.
Whether it’s a choice about how we will lead our team, solve a problem, or navigate change, our preference would be to only take action when there is little chance for failure. We want to avoid false starts, confusion, and appearing like we don’t have all the answers. The irony is that it’s that failure, that mistake, that is so often the key to finding the right solution.
If your stomach churns and head starts pounding when you are considering a course of action that might end in failure, remember these six benefits of making the incorrect choice:
In life, it’s rarely about the chances you get; it’s about the chances you take.
If the fear of making mistakes is limiting your success or the success of your team, sign up to receive more tips and ideas from Jones.